Oracle Linux Commands Cheat Sheet [Free PDF Download]

Oracle Linux is a Linux kernel-based operating system created by Oracle Corporation. It is popular for its excellent performance and compatibility with Oracle products such as Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Oracle Middleware and Oracle Database. Oracle Linux has a wide range of commands for its highly integrated tasks. The Oracle Linux Commands Cheat Sheet of this article serves as a quick reference guide and organized list of commonly used commands.

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Oracle Linux Commands List

Oracle Linux commands refer to various commands and tools available in the Oracle Linux operating system. These commands can perform a wide range of tasks including administrating the operating system, managing files and directories, configuring system settings, etc. Moreover, Oracle Linux has highly integrated tools for interacting with Oracle databases and other Oracle products from the command line interface.

System Administration Commands

System administration commands allow users to manage system services, update software packages, check system performance, and many more. The following list contains frequently used system administration commands.

Commands Description
systemctl Control the systemd system and service manager
service Start, stop and check the status of system services
init Start the system initialization process
shutdown Shut down the system
reboot Reboot the system
uname Display system information, including the kernel version
ss Display socket statistics
arp Manipulate the system ARP cache
ethtool Display or modify Ethernet device settings
firewall-cmd Manage the firewall
lsmod List currently loaded kernel modules
modprobe Add or remove kernel modules
insmod Insert a kernel module into the kernel
rmmod Remove a kernel module
dmesg Display kernel message buffer
journalctl Query and display system journal logs
free Display memory usage information
df Display disk usage information
du Display disk usage of files and directories
mount Mount file systems
umount Unmount file systems
lsof List open files
who Display logged-in users
last Display recent logins
history Display command history
crontab Edit and manage user cron jobs
at Schedule commands to run at a specific time
rpm Manage RPM packages
yum Manage system packages
dnf Manage system packages
su Switch to another user account
sudo Execute commands with superuser privileges
visudo Edit the sudoers file
id Display user and group information
w Display who is logged in and what they are doing
whoami Display the current user
hostnamectl View and modify system hostname settings
sysctl View and modify kernel parameters
ulimit View and modify user resource limits
locale View or modify locale settings
date Display or modify the system date and time
alias Creates a shortcut for a longer command
unalias Removes previously created alias

File and Directory Management Commands

Like any other Linux distribution, Oracle Linux has various commands for managing files and directories. With these commands, users can easily navigate through files, search for files and directories, and perform various file operations.

Commands Description
ls List the contents of a directory
cd Change the current working directory
cd ~ Change the current working directory to the user’s home directory
pwd Print the current working directory
mkdir Create a new directory
rmdir Remove an empty directory
touch  Create an empty file or updates the modification time of an existing file
cp Copy a file or directory
mv Move or renames a file or directory
rm Remove a file or directory
ln Create a hard or symbolic link to a file
file Determine the file type of a file
find Search for files in a directory hierarchy
locate Search for files in a database of file names and paths
split Split a file into smaller files
join Join two or more files together
wc Count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file
cat    Concatenate and displays files
head Display the first few lines of a file
tail Display the last few lines of a file
less Display the contents of a file one page at a time
more Display the contents of a file one screenful at a time
diff Compare two files and displays the differences
cmp Compare two files byte by byte and displays the first differing byte
patch Apply a patch file to a file or set of files
sort Sort the lines of a file
uniq Remove duplicate lines from a sorted file
cut Extract columns or fields from a file
paste Merge lines from multiple files
tr Translate or deletes characters from a file
sed Edit a file using regular expressions
awk Process text files and generates reports
grep Search for a pattern in a file
egrep Search for an extended regular expression pattern in a file
fgrep Search for a fixed string pattern in a file
tree Display the contents of a directory in a tree-like format
readlink Display the value of a symbolic link
pushd Add a directory to the directory stack and changes the current directory to the new directory

Process Commands

Oracle Linux system provides a wide range of process commands to manage and monitor system processes effectively. These commands allow users to list, kill, prioritize, and debug running processes as well as gather performance data and identify system bottlenecks.

Commands Description
ps Display information about active processes on the system
top Display real-time information about running processes
kill Terminate a process using its process ID (PID)
pkill Signal processes based on their name or other attributes
pgrep Search for processes based on their name or other attributes and display their PIDs
nice Set the priority of a process to control its CPU usage
renice Change the priority of an already running process
killall Terminate multiple processes based on their name
htop Display real-time information about processes in a more interactive way than top
pstree Display a tree-like representation of running processes and their parent-child relationships
pidof Find the PID of a running process based on its name
vmstat Display virtual memory statistics and other system performance metrics
strace Trace system calls and signals made by a process and their results
fuser Identify processes using specific files or directories
watch Execute a command repeatedly and display its output in real-time
uptime Display system uptime and load average
iostat Display input/output statistics for devices and partitions
sar Collect and report system activity information, including CPU, memory, and disk usage
mpstat Display processor related statistics
nmon Display system performance information in real-time
dstat Display system resource usage and other statistics in real-time
atop Display system resource usage and other statistics in real time with advanced features
schedstat Display scheduler statistics for tasks and threads
numastat Display NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) statistics
sched_debug Display scheduler debugging information
slabtop Display kernel slab cache information

Network Commands

Each distribution of the Linux operating system has some commands dedicated to managing and troubleshooting network connections. These commands provide users the flexibility of changing network settings, monitoring network traffic, and diagnosing network problems from the command line.

Commands Description
ifconfig Display network interface configuration information
ip Configure and display network interfaces, routing, and tunnels
route View and manipulate the IP routing table
ping Test connectivity to a network host using the ICMP protocol
traceroute Trace the network path to a remote host
nslookup Query DNS servers to retrieve domain name or IP address information
dig Query DNS servers for DNS records
host Perform DNS lookups and retrieve domain name or IP address information
netstat Display network connections, routing tables, and network interface statistics
ss Display network sockets and related information
telnet Establish a connection to a remote host using the Telnet protocol
ssh Establish a secure shell connection to a remote host
scp Securely copy files between hosts
sftp Securely transfer files between hosts using the FTP protocol
ftp Transfer files to and from a remote FTP server
wget Download files from the internet using various protocols
curl Transfer data from or to a server, using one of the supported protocols
nmap Perform network exploration and security auditing
tcpdump Capture network packets and analyze network traffic
iptables Configure and manage the netfilter firewall and packet filtering framework

Archive Commands

Commands under this section are very useful for managing files and archives in Oracle Linux. These types of Commands are available by default in most installations of the operating system.

Commands Description
tar Create and manipulate tar archives
tar -cf Create a tar archive file
tar -xf Extract files from a tar archive
tar -zcvf Create a compressed tar archive (also known as a .tar.gz file)
gunzip Decompress a .gz file
rar Create and manipulate RAR archives
unrar Extract files from a RAR archive
unzip Extract files from a ZIP archive
bzip2 Compress files using the bzip2 algorithm
gzip Compress files using the gzip algorithm
xz Compress files using the xz algorithm
p7zip Create and extract 7-Zip archives
pax Create, extract and list tar, cpio, and pax archives
cpio Create and extract cpio archives
shar Create a shell archive, which is a shell script that can be used to extract files
ar Create and extract archives in the Unix ar format, which is typically used for libraries
zip Creates, views, and extracts files from a compressed archive file

Security and Permission Commands

Every system has certain permission and security requirements. Oracle Linux has a variety of commands to secure the system and restrict unauthorized access of users to the system.

Commands Description
chmod Change the permissions of files and directories
chown Change the owner and group of files and directories
chgrp Change the group ownership of files and directories
passwd Change the password of a user account
sudo Execute commands with administrative privileges
useradd Create a new user account
usermod Modify an existing user account
userdel Delete a user account
groupadd Create a new group
groupmod Modify an existing group
groupdel Delete a group
umask Set the default file permissions for new files and directories
passwd -l Lock a user account
passwd -u Unlock a user account
firewall-cmd Manage the firewall configuration
sestatus Check the status of SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux)
setenforce Enable or disable SELinux enforcement mode
getenforce Check the current SELinux enforcement mode

Oracle-specific Commands

Oracle Linux provides some commands that are specific to Oracle Products. These commands are very useful to manage and administer Oracle databases and related services.

Commands Description
asmcmd Manage Oracle Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instances and disk groups
crsctl Manage Oracle Clusterware components and resources
dbca Create and configure Oracle databases
dcli Execute commands across multiple Oracle database servers simultaneously
dcsctl Manage Oracle Database Cloud Services instances
expdp Export and import Oracle database objects and data
impdp Export and import Oracle database objects and data
lsnrctl Manage Oracle database listener services
oemctl Manage and monitor Oracle databases, middleware, and applications
oerr Display Oracle error messages and their meanings
oracleasm Manage Oracle ASM devices and disk groups
orachk Diagnose and troubleshoot issues on Oracle systems
orapki Manage Oracle wallets and certificates
sqlplus Connect to and manage Oracle databases from the command line
srvctl Manage Oracle services and instances
tnsping Test the connectivity to an Oracle database listener


In conclusion, the Oracle Linux commands cheat sheet offers a comprehensive set of commands and their descriptions that can help users navigate and manage the Oracle Linux operating system efficiently. Please feel free to comment below if you find the list helpful or have any suggestions regarding it.

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How to open Oracle Linux terminal?

To open the Oracle Linux terminal, you can simply use CTRL+Alt+T.

How do I run a SQL file in Linux?

Firstly, open a terminal or a command prompt. Then navigate to the directory in which the SQL script is stored. Now, connect to the MySQL server by typing the following command: mysql -u [ username] -p and then enter your password. Finally, execute the SQL script by typing: source [script_name.sql].

How to create a table in Oracle?

To create a table in Oracle, you can use CREATE TABLE statement. Here’s the basic syntax:

CREATE TABLE your_table_name (
    column1 datatype1,
    column2 datatype2,
    column3 datatype3,
    CONSTRAINT constraint_name PRIMARY KEY (one_or_more_columns)

How to insert date in SQL?

To insert date in SQL, you can use the “to_date” function. You can use the following syntax to enter date in SQL: TO_DATE ([value], [format]). Format of date can be of various types like: “dd-mm-yyyy”, “yyyy-mm-dd”, “mm-dd-yyyy”.

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Md Zahidul Islam Laku

Hey, I'm Zahidul Islam Laku currently working as a Linux Content Developer Executive at SOFTEKO. I completed my graduation from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). I write articles on a variety of tech topics including Linux. Learning and writing on Linux is nothing but fun as it gives me more power on my machine. What can be more efficient than interacting with the Operating System without Graphical User Interface! Read Full Bio

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