RedHat Linux Commands Cheat Sheet [Free PDF Download]

RedHat Linux is a widely used operating system that offers many powerful tools and commands. This Linux distro is popular for its reliability, security and enterprise-level development environments. In this article, I will give you an extensive list of various RedHat Linux commands along with a cheat sheet in different formats.

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Red Hat Linux Commands

RedHat Linux is a distribution of Linux operating systems developed by RedHat. It provides commands and tools of various categories such as system configuration, security and identity, system information, software management, file and disk management and so on. The list of this article includes frequently used RedHat Linux commands of each category.

System Configuration Commands

System configuration commands in Linux are used to manage and configure various settings of the operating system, networking, storage devices etc. RedHat Linux provides a variety of tools and commands to configure the above aspects of the system.

Commands Description
system -config -* Configure various system settings
system -confiq -*-tui Open text user interface version of system configuration tool
system -confiq -printer Configure printer settings
system -confiq -date Configure date and time settings
timedatectl View and modify system’s date and time
date Displays current date and time in the system’s default format
ntpdate Manually synchronize system’s clock with a specified NTP server
chronyc Monitor and manage system’s time synchronization
system -confiq -keyboard Configure keyboard settings
localectl Query and configure system’s locale and keyboard settings
ssh -keygen Generate, manage and convert authentication keys

System Information Commands

The commands below help a user retrieve various information about the system such as system resources, running processes, connections, etc:

Commands Description
subscription -manager identity Display the identity of the currently subscribed system in Red Hat’s subscription management system
rhn_register Register with Red Hat network Classic for software updates and support
sosreport Collect system diagnostic information for troubleshooting purposes
demidecode Display hardware information
lstopo Display the topology of the system’s hardware, such as CPU cores and caches
lscpu Display information about the system’s CPU architecture
cat /proc/cpuinfo Display detailed information about the system’s CPU

Services Commands

Service commands are used to start, stop, enable, disable and check the status of system services. The following list contains a few of them.

Commands Description
chkconfig –list Displays the current status of services
ls /etc/init.d/ Lists the available startup scripts
systemctl -at service Displays a list of all available services on the system
ls /etc/systemd/system/*.service Lists all systemd unit files ending in .service
service — status -all Displays the status of all available system services
systemctl -t service — state=active Displays a list of active services managed by systemd
service name start Starts the specified system service
service name stop Stops the specified system service
systemctl start name .service Starts the specified systemd service
systemctl stop name .service Stops the specified systemd service
chkconfig name on Enables the specified service to start automatically at boot time
chkconfig name off Disables the specified service from starting automatically at boot time
systemctl enable name.service Enables the specified systemd service to start automatically at boot time
systemctl disable name.service Disables the specified systemd service from starting automatically at boot time
service name status Displays the status of the specified system service

File and Disk Management Commands

Every Linux distro has a lot of file and disk management commands. The RedHat distro is no exception. These types of commands allow users to create, modify, delete, and mount files and directories:

Commands Description
xfs A file system format that supports large file sizes, high scalability and fast performance
gdisk Manage GPT partition tables
ssm_create Creates simple storage service volumes on AWS
fdisk Manage traditional MBR partition tables
parted Manage partition tables including support for GPT and MBR formats
ssm create Create and manage SSM volumes on AWS
mkswap Format a device or partition as swap space
mkfs.filesystem_type (ext4, xfs) Format a device or partition with a specified file system type, such as ext4 or xfs
xfs_fsr Defragment XFS file systems
ssm mount Mount SSM volumes on AWS
fsck (look for ‘non-contiguous inodes’) Check and repair the file system on a device or partition including checking for non-contiguous inodes
mount Mount a file system to a specific directory
swapon -a Activate all defined swap devices
lvdisplay Display information about logical volumes
lvs Display a summary of logical volumes
vgdisplay Display information about volume groups
vgs Display a summary of volume groups
pvdisplay Display information about physical volumes
pvs Display a summary of physical volumes
ssm create (if backend in lvm) Create an SSM volume using Logical Volume Manager as the backend on AWS
pvcreate Initialize a physical volume for use with LVM
vgcreate Create a new volume group using one or more physical volumes
lvcreate Create a new logical volume within a volume group
xfs_growfs Expand an XFS file system after resizing a logical volume or partition
ssm resize Resize an SSM volume on AWS
vgextend Add one or more physical volumes to an existing volume group
lvextend Expand the size of an existing logical volume
lvreduce Shrink the size of an existing logical volume
ssm check Check the health status of SSM volumes on AWS
showmount -e Display the NFS exports on a given NFS server
systemctl reload nfs.service Reload the configuration of the NFS service
chmod Change the permissions of a file or directory
chown Change the owner of a file or directory
chgrp Change the group ownership of a file or directory
umask Set the default file creation permissions
chattr Set or remove file attributes such as making a file immutable or undeletable
setfacl Modify file access control lists which allow fine-grained control over file permissions and access

Software Management Commands

This section includes the software management commands of Red Hat Linux. These commands are super helpful to install, update and remove software packages from the system:

Commands Description
yum install Install packages and dependencies from configured repositories
yum group install Install a group of related packages from configured repositories
yum info Display information about a specific package, including its version, size, and dependencies
yum group info Display information about a group of packages and their dependencies
yum update Update installed packages to the latest available versions
yum upgrade Upgrade all packages on the system to their latest available versions
subscription -manager repos Manage subscriptions and repositories
rpm -qf Display the package name that owns a specified file
yum provides filenames -glob Display which package provides a specific file or feature
rpm -q packagename Display information about a specified package, including its version and architecture
yum list installed Display a list of all installed packages
yum module install Install a specific module stream and its dependencies
yum module info Display information about a module, including its streams and profiles
yum module remove module_name:stream remove a specific module stream and its dependencies
yum module reset module:stream reset a specific module stream and remove all of its profiles
yum module list Display a list of all available modules and their streams
rpm –checksig Check RPM signature

Resource Management Commands

There are a variety of commands in RedHat Linux to monitor and manage system resources. They provide information about the system’s resource allocation and performance issues:

Commands Description
strace Traces system calls signals of a running program
ltrace Traces library calls of a running program
nice or renice Sets and modifies the priority of a running process
taskset Assigns a specific processor or a set of processors to a running process
kill Terminate a running process
pkill Terminate a process or processes by their name or other attribute
killall Terminate all processes with a specific name
ss Displays network connections statistics and information
tuna Tune system performance
pcp atop Monitors system resources and performance, including CPU usage, memory usage, and disk I/O
top Displays real-time information about the processes running on the system
ps Displays a snapshot of the processes running on the system, including process IDs, resource usage, and other attributes
sar Collects and reports system activity data, including CPU usage, memory usage, disk I/O, and network activity
iostat Reports input/output statistics for block devices, including CPU utilization, I/O operations per second
vmstat Displays virtual memory statistics, including systemwide statistics on CPU usage, memory usage, and disk I/O
mpstat Reports processor-related statistics, including utilization, idle time, and other metrics
numastat Reports non-uniform memory access allocation statistics for a system
pcp dstat Collects system performance data
pmiostat Reports input/output statistics for block devices with advanced features
df Reports disk usage statistics for a file system, including the amount of free and used space

Archieve Commands

These types of commands are useful to create, manage, and extract files and directories from compressed archives. The below list contains only a few commands of this type:

Commands Description
tar Create, extract and manage files in various archive formats
cpio Create or extract archives in the cpio format
zip Compress files and directories into a .zip archive format
xz Compress and decompress files using .xz compression format

Network Commands

RedHat Linux offers a wide range of network commands. These commands are useful for checking network connectivity, testing DNS resolution, diagnosing network issues, and so on. The following commands are frequently used to manage and troubleshoot network-related problems:

Commands Description
dig Queries DNS servers to get DNS details
nmcli Manage network connections
ip addr show Display IP addresses and network information of the system
nmcli con show Show the available network connections and their status
address Specifies the IP address to assign to a network interface
nmcli con up Bring up a network connection
nmcli con mod Modify a network connection
hostnamectl set-hostname Set the system’s hostname
netstat -rn Display the system’s routing table
route -n Show the routing table of the system
tcpdump -i Capture and analyze network traffic
tcpdump Capture and analyze network packets
ping Test connectivity between two network hosts
telnet Connect to a remote host using the Telnet protocol
nslookup Query DNS servers to get information about domain names and IP addresses
netstat Display network connections and routing tables

Kernel, Boot and Hardware Management Commands

Commands of this section are crucial to update the kernel, configure boot options and manage hardware resources etc. The brief list below may help a user quickly recall important commands to perform the above tasks:

Commands Description
append 1 or s or rd.break Adds kernel boot parameters to modify the default behavior during boot process
init=/bin/bash Tells the init process to start a bash shell
shutdown Stops the system and powers it off
systemctl poweroff Shuts down the system and turns off the power
poweroff Shuts down the system and turns off the power
systemctl halt Halts the system and leaves it powered on
halt Halts the system and leaves it powered on
systemctl reboot Reboots the system
reboot Reboots the system
systemctl set -default Sets the default for the system at the boot time
grub2 -mkconfig Regenerate GRUB configuration file
grub -set -default Sets the default GRUB entry
lshw Displays detailed information about the system’s hardware configuration
modprobe Add or remove kernel modules from the Linux kernel
udev Dynamic device management system for Linux
sysctl -a Displays kernel parameters and their values
modprobe -r Remove kernel modules from the Linux kernel
rpm -q kernel uname -r Display information about the installed kernel version

User Management Commands

Use RedHat user management commands to create, modify, and delete users and groups, as well as to manage user privileges. Frequently used commands of this type are listed below:

Commands Description
system -config -user Manage user and group accounts
gnome -control -center Manage system settings
useradd Create a new user
userdel Delete a user account
usermod Modify an existing user account
vipw Edit /etc/passwd file
id Display user and group ID information
groupadd Create a new group
groupdel Delete a group
groupmod Modify an existing group
/etc/group Stores group information
passwd Change a user’s password
visudo Edit /etc/sudoers file
chage Manage password expiration and aging policies
w Display information about logged-in users

Security and Identity Commands

Commands of this section are used to monitor system activity, configure security settings and protect against unauthorized access. The following brief list of commands will help a user to perform the above tasks quite easily:

Commands Description
semanage Manage SELinux policy modules and configuration
setsebool Modify SElinux boolean values
system -config -selinux Manage SELinux policy settings
restorecon Restore default SELinux security contexts on files and directories
chcon Modify SELinux security contexts on files and directories
sealert Analyze SELinux audit logs and provide recommendations for policy changes
authconfig Configure various system authentication settings, including LDAP and Kerberos
authconfiq -tui Launch the text-based user interface version of the authconfig tool
authconfiq -gtk Launch the graphical user interface version of the authconfig tool
authselect Configure authentication settings for local users and services
getend Retrieve system account information, including user and group information


In conclusion, the RedHat Linux commands cheat sheet provides a quick reference for accessing various commands of different categories. It can be handy for any users to execute necessary commands in the quickest amount of time.

People Also Ask

What is the top command in redhat?

The top command is a tool in Red Hat Linux that shows you real-time info about how many resources are being used, how many processes are running, and other important system info. It works on a bunch of different Unix-like systems.

How to check system information in redhat Linux?

To check system information in Red Hat Linux, you can use multiple commands like hostnamectl, uname, df, free, uptime etc.

How to check server model in redhat Linux?

To check server model in Red Hat Linux, you can run sudo dmidecode command in your redhat terminal.

What are the red hat Linux commands?

Red hat Linux commands are the useful commands used in red hat based Linux distributions. They are:

  1. system -config -*: Configure various system settings.
  2. system -confiq -*-tui: Open text user interface version of system configuration tool.
  3. system -confiq -printer: Configure printer settings.
  4. system -confiq -date: Configure date and time settings.
  5. timedatectl: View and modify system’s date and time.
  6. date: Displays current date and time in the system’s default format.
  7. ntpdate: Manually synchronize system’s clock with a specified NTP server.
  8. xfs: A file system format that supports large file sizes, high scalability and fast performance.
  9. gdisk: Manage GPT partition tables.
  10. ssm_create: Creates simple storage service volumes on AWS.
  11. fdisk: Manage traditional MBR partition tables.

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Md Zahidul Islam Laku

Hey, I'm Zahidul Islam Laku currently working as a Linux Content Developer Executive at SOFTEKO. I completed my graduation from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). I write articles on a variety of tech topics including Linux. Learning and writing on Linux is nothing but fun as it gives me more power on my machine. What can be more efficient than interacting with the Operating System without Graphical User Interface! Read Full Bio

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