How to Install Ubuntu Server?

A Complete Guide for Beginners Enroll Course Now

Ubuntu server is a specialized version of the standard Ubuntu operating system specially designed for networks and services. It can function as a straightforward file server or operate seamlessly within a cloud environment with up to 50,000 nodes. It’s renowned for its stability, and security, and also preferred for both beginners and seasoned administrators.

This guide delves into the installation process of the Ubuntu server, providing you with a step-by-step walkthrough.

Requirements to Install Ubuntu Server

  1. A minimum of 512 MB RAM (recommended 1GB or more).
  2. Minimum 2.5 GB of disk space.
  3. A DVD or a USB flash drive.

Steps to Install Ubuntu Server

Before heading into installing the Ubuntu server, back up your important data. Then, to install the Ubuntu server, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Download Ubuntu Server ISO

You can download the Ubuntu Server ISO file from the official site of Ubuntu.

Step 2: Create a Bootable USB Drive

To create a bootable USB drive, use Etcher. First, install Etcher on Windows or MacOS.

  1. After installing, open it and click on “Flash from file”. Click on Flash from file
  2. After that, browse the ISO file from the downloaded location. Select the ISO file
  3. Now, plug in your USB drive to the PC and click on “Select target”. Click on "Select the USB drive"
  4. Select the plugged-in USB drive from the list shown. select the plugged in USB
  5. Finally, click on “Flash” to start the ISO file on the USB drive and Etcher will make it bootable.

Step 3: Boot the System From USB

Select  “Try or Install Ubuntu Server” to load the installer of the Ubuntu server. seslect "try Ubuntu install"

Step 4: Language and Keyboard Configuration

Choose your preferred language using the UP and DOWN keys and press ENTER. Select your preferred language

Step 5: Choose Keyboard Layout

Select your preferred keyboard layout and variant using the UP and DOWN keys. Select “Done” and press ENTER. Configure your keyboard

Note: You can use the “Identify Keyboard” option to find which keyboard matches with you.

Step 6: Choose the Installation Type

Choose Ubuntu Server as a base for the installation. Then, select “Done” and press ENTER. Choose base for the installation

Step 7: Network Configuration

  1. Navitgate to enp0s3 eth > Edit IPv4 using the arrow keys. Select enopOs3
  2. Select Automatic (DHCP) and press ENTER. Select automatic dhcp on network connection Choose “Done” and press ENTER.

Now, the Ubuntu Archive Mirror will be configured automatically based on your current location during installation. Ubuntu archieve mirror

Step 8: Configure the Storage

Opt for “Use an entire disk” to let the installer automatically create partitions on the entire disk. storage Configuration Select ‘Done‘ and press ENTER.

Step 9: Configure Profile settings

  1. Enter the username and password you will use to log in to the system. configure the profile
  2. Click “Done” and hit ENTER.

Step 10: SSH Setup

Select “Install OpenSSH Server”. Then choose “Done” and hit ENTER. Setup SSH

Optional: Select the server snaps based on the desired environment for installation. You can skip this step if you prefer not to configure. Feature server snaps

Step 11: Finish Installation

When the installation is completed select “Reboot Now” and press ENTER.  Installation is Complete and reboot Now you can log in to the profile you created using the corresponding username and password.  login to the server Finally, the Ubuntu server has been installed successfully.


In wrapping up this guide on installing the Ubuntu server, you’ve successfully navigated the essential steps required to set up a reliable and effective server environment. Your server is now ready to host applications, and manage databases.

People Also Ask

How to Convert Ubuntu desktop to Ubuntu server?

To convert the Ubuntu desktop to the Ubuntu server:

  1. Firstly, backup your data before any significant change.
  2. After that, open ubuntu terminal.
  3. Uninstall the desktop environment using the following command:
    sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop

    Replace “Ubuntu-desktop” with the name of your Ubuntu desktop.

  4. Using the following commands, remove the unnecessary packages
    sudo apt-get autoremove
    sudo apt-get clean
  5. Now, install server components using the following command:
    sudo apt-get install openssh-server tasksel linux-generic
  6. Run tasksel to select and install specific server packages.
  7. Lastly, reboot your system to apply the changes by running sudo reboot command.
  8. Verify that server components are installed using systemctl status ssh

What are the differences between Ubuntu server and Ubuntu?

Feature Ubuntu Server Ubuntu (Desktop)
Purpose Designed for server environments Designed for desktop/laptop use
Installation Minimal installation with no GUI Full installation with GUI
Interface Command-line interface (CLI) Graphical user  interface (GUI)
Resources Lightweight and resource efficient Moe resource-intensive for GUI
Desktop Environment None by default Various desktop environment availabile
Use Cases Servers, data centers, virtualization General desktop and laptop use

What can a Ubuntu server do?

Ubuntu Server, created by Canonical, is a server operating system compatible with a variety of architectures (like x86, x86-64, ARM v7, etc). It works as a versatile platform for various purposes, such as:

  1. Hosting websites
  2. Managing FTP
  3. Operating as an email server
  4. Functioning as a file and print server
  5. Facilitating container deployment
  6. Supporting cloud services
  7. Acting as a database server
  8. Serving as a development platform

Is Ubuntu server free?

Yes, the Ubuntu server is free and follows the principles of open-source software. Users can download, install, and use the Ubuntu server without any cost. Additionally, the Ubuntu server receives regular updates and security patches, contributing to its stability and reliability.

Does Ubuntu server have GUI?

No, the Ubuntu server does not include a graphical user interface (GUI) by default. However, if you need, you have the option to install a GUI. Nevertheless, the server version is primarily crafted for command-line administration.

How to use the Ubuntu server without GUI?

Using the Ubuntu server without a graphical user interface (GUI) involves working with the command line interface (CLI). After installation tasks like file navigation, text editing, user administration, package handling, and system configuration are executed exclusively through command-line commands. Networking configurations, service management, and firewall settings are also managed through the CLI using commands like systemctl and ufw.

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Auhona Islam

Auhona Islam is a dedicated professional with a background in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology. Graduating in 2023, Auhona is currently excelling in her role as a Linux content developer executive at SOFTEKO to provide a more straightforward route for Linux users. She aims to generate compelling materials for Linux users with her knowledge and skills. She holds her enthusiasm in the realm of Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Apart from these, she has a passion for playing instruments and singing. Read Full Bio

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