Array Operations in Bash

A Bash array is a dynamic data structure that stores data values of diversified types as its elements. For a successful array manipulation to avail efficient data storage, and management, it’s crucial to know about the different array operations involved within the arrays in the Bash scripting language.

This article discusses the concepts of essential Bash array operations from print operations, and element insertion operations to even array removal operations. It also mentions necessary commands and Bash scripts for seamless array operations.

1. Print Operation

The print operation is the process of displaying the array elements in the terminal. The echo command with the length expression syntax ${array[@]} or ${array[*]} prints the entire bash array on the screen.

Here’s how to print an array in Bash employing the syntaxecho ${array[@]}:


#Array creation
metallica=(james lars kirk trujilo)

#printing array length to the terminal using both expressions
echo "the array elements printed using \${metallica[@]}: ${metallica[@]}"
echo               # for adding extra spaces between the outputs
echo "the array elements printed using \${metallica[*]}: ${metallica[*]}"
In the above script, the length expression ${metallica[@]} and ${metallica[*]} access the array metallica with 4 elements. Finally, the echo command displays all the array items in a single line to the prompt.
array operation to print arrayThe above snapshot states that the script prints 4 individual elements of the array metallica in a single line separated by space.

Note: The expression “${metallica[@]}” expands the array metallica and treats array elements as separate entities. On the other hand, the “${metallica[*]}” syntax treats the entire array as a single string and expands the array.

Print the Length of an Array in Bash

The length of a Bash array is the total number of elements present in that array. The process to retrieve the array length is very straightforward in Bash. Just use the length expressions ${#array[@]} or ${#array[*]} with the echo command to display the length of the array. The hash (#) tells the expressions to expand the array and find the number of elements which is the array length.

Here’s an example to print the Bash array length using the syntaxecho ${#array[@]}:


#Array creation
cards=(hearts diamonds spades clubs)

#print the array
echo "elements: ${cards[@]}"

#printing array length to the prompt
echo "length:${#cards[@]}"
In this script, after creating the cards array with 4 elements (hearts diamonds spades clubs), the expression${#cards[@]}gets the array length. On an end note, the commandecho "length:${#cards[@]}"prints the array length which is 4.
array operation to print lengthThe above image denotes the successful printing of an array length in Bash.

Print the Length of Nth-Indexed Element in an Array

To print the length of only a specific array element, the printing operation expression ${#array[@]} is enough. Just replace the @ sign with the index number, say, N, of the element to get the length of the element. The full syntax is:echo ${#array[N]}.

Below is a Bash scripting example to print the length of the Nth-indexed element:


#Array creation
cards=(hearts diamonds spades clubs)

#printing the length of the elements “diamonds”
echo ${#cards[1]} 

The above Bash script creates an array named cards with 4 elements. Then theecho ${#cards[1]}syntax fetches the length of the string stored in the index 1, which is diamonds, and outputs the length of that element string, “diamonds”, which is 8 characters long.

bash array operation to print nth-indexed element lengthThe above image states that the echo ${#cards[1]} expression prints the length of the 2nd element (diamonds).

2. Append Operation

To append to an array is to add a new element to an existing Bash array. By default, the append operation adds a new element to the array at the very end. The syntax to append an array involves the array name and the element to append with the+=operator in between like the following:


Let’s see an example of the array append operation:


#The main array
distros=(ubuntu kali arch)

#prints array with 3 existing elements
echo "array before appending: ${distros[@]}"

#new value to append

#Prints array with newly added element redHat
echo "array after appending: ${distros[@]}"

In the script, the array named distros initially had 3 elements. Then, using the expressiondistros+=(redHat), appends the new element redHat to the array. As a result, the distros array now has 4 elements which is verified by printing the array using the standard echo command.

append to array operationThe above script appends the element redHat to the array distros of 3 elements.

3. Insert Operation

The insert operation in a Bash array is useful since it lets the element be added at a specific position of the array. It is adding but with an index assignment that leverages the element insertion at the specified place. The general syntax to insert an element into an array is:array_name[index_number]=element_to_insert

Here’s an example of how to insert elements to specific positions of an array in Bash:


#The primary array
bd_bands=(artcell rockStrata warfaze)

#inserting elements into the array at different positions

# loop through the indices and print elements
for position in ${!bd_bands[@]};
echo "band ${bd_bands[$position]} is at index: $position"

In this script, after defining the array bd_bands with 3 elements [positioned at index 0,1, 2 respectively.], the expressionsbd_bands[3]=vibeandbd_bands[8]=powersurgeinsert 2 more elements into that array at indices 3 and 8 (position 4 and position 9 since the bash array is 0-indexed). Then, the loopfor position in ${!bd_bands[@]}iterates over the array indices and displays the elements along with their indices employing the expressionecho "band ${bd_bands[$position]} is at index: $position".

insert elements in a Bash arrayAs you can see, the script successfully inserts 2 elements (vibe and powersurge) into 2 positions (index 3 and index 8) of the array bd_bands.

4. Copy Operation

To copy an array in Bash is very simple. Just expand the array of elements and store them in a new array-type variable. Here’s how:


#declare array
Unix=('Debian' 'Red hat' 'Ubuntu' 'Suse' 'Fedora' 'UTS' 'OpenLinux')

#array expansion and copy

#print the 2 Array
echo "1st array: ${Unix[@]}"
echo "copied array: ${Linux[@]}"
In the above script, after the declaration of the 1st array Unix with 7 elements, the expressionLinux=("${Unix[@]}")expands the array elements of Unix. It copies the whole array to the new array-type variable Linux. In the end, the echo command prints both the arrays Unix and Linux to verify the copy operation.
make a copy of a Bash arrayThe terminal output in the above states that the copy of the Linux=(“${Unix[@]}”) expression creates a copy array Linux of the original array Unix.

5. Bash String to Array Operation

In Bash, it is possible to convert a string into an array of elements. The easiest way to do this is by using the IFS (Internal Field Separator) to split the whole string based on a specific delimiter and store them as elements in a Bash array. Here’s an example:


# Your string

#print the string
    echo "$my_string"

# Set the delimiter
IFS=',' read -r -a my_array <<< "$my_string"


# Print array elements
for element in "${my_array[@]}"
    echo "$element"
The above script declares a string my_string using the expressionmy_string="Apple,Orange,Banana,Grapes"with comma-separated entities. The IFS=',' sets the delimiter to a comma (,). When thereadcommand is used with the-aflag, it splits my_string at every comma and stores the individual parts as elements of the array my_array usingIFS=',' read -r -a my_array <<< "$my_string". Finally, the for loop iterates over the elements to print them on the prompt.
converting string to a bash array

6. Search and Replace Operation

In this operation, you can search for a specific pattern and substitute it with another value within a Bash array. Using the syntax${array[@]/pattern/replacement}, it’s possible to find the pattern and replace it with the value of replacement.

Here’s an example to search and replace within an array:


Unix=('Debian' 'Red hat' 'Ubuntu' 'Suse' 'Fedora')

#print the array 
echo "w/o replacement: ${Unix[@]}"

#replace element

echo "with replacement: $replace"
Here, in this script, after the creation of the Unix array with 5 elements, the expression${Unix[@]/Ubuntu/KALI}performs a pattern substitution. First, it searches for the element Ubuntu inside the array Unix. Upon finding the element, it replaces it with KALI. The echo command twice prints the Unix array to reflect on the changes of the search and replace operation. 
search and replace elementTerminal output to the search and replace operation from Ubuntu to KALI in an array in Bash.

7. Delete Operation

The delete operation lets the user remove any specified array element from the array. To remove array elements, use the unset command followed by the array_name with the index assignment operator=and index number of the element to remove.

Here’s how to delete an array element in Bash using theunsetcommand:


# the array
shoes=(adidas puma nike)

#print array
echo "before removal: ${shoes[@]}"

# Deleting nike from the array
unset shoes[1]

#printing the array after removal of the element nike
echo "after removal: ${shoes[@]}"
In the script, after the declaration of an array called shoes with 3 elements, the unset command followed by the rest of the standard syntax (shoes[1]) to remove the 2nd element puma. After printing the array, you can see the success of the array deletion operation.
delete array element

Delete an Entire Array

Apart from deleting specific array elements, the unset command is capable of deleting an entire array of elements in Bash and makes the array length zero. The syntax is the unset command followed by the array name to deleteunset array_2_delete

Let’s hone the process of an entire array deletion operation with an example:


# the array to be deleted
language=(c python Golang java)

#print the array
echo ${language[@]}

#deleting the entire array
unset language

#printing array length
echo ${#language[@]}
So, in the above bash script, the commandunset languagedeletes the entire array named language with 4 elements. As a result, in printing the array length, the output is zero denoting the deletion operation of en entire Bash array.
delete entire bash arrayThe image above states that the unset command deletes the entire array and the length becomes zero.


This article sheds light on 7 popular yet essential array operations in Bash. It mentions the concepts of array printing, element addition, insertion, and deletion along with some advanced array operations such as converting string to array and search and replace operations providing hands-on examples. Hope this article boosts your confidence in array handling to efficiently avail data management within Linux systems using Bash scripts.

People Also Ask

How to clear an array in Bash?

To clear an array in Bash, use the unset command followed by the array name. For example, to clear the array cars=(bmw bugati), use the command unset cars in your script. Upon executing the script, it will remove all the elements to clear the array. In addition, you can reassign the array using the syntax cars=(), for example, to clear the bash array.

How to print the last element of an indexed array in Bash?

To print the last element of an indexed array in Bash, use the concept of negative index -1 in the syntactical format ${your_array[-1]} to extract the last element and prefix it with the echo command to display on the screen. For instance, to print the last element of the array food=(pizza burger orange), use the command echo ${food[-1]}. The output will be “orange”.

Can I print array elements in newlines in Bash?

Yes. To print the Bash array elements in a new line, use the printf command with the newline separator character \n. For instance, to print the array elements, my_array=("Apple" "Orange" "Banana" "Grapes"), in new lines, use the expression printf "%s\n" "${my_array[@]}" after declaring the array.






How to print a specific range of array elements in Bash?

To print a specific range of elements, use the c-style for loop in the format for ((i = start_index; i <= end_index; i++))  to iterate over a range of elements in a Bash array. Here, start_index is the starting position and end_index is the last position to iterate. For instance, to iterate from the 2nd element to 4th element of the array num=(1 2 3 4 5 6 7):

num=(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)

# C-style for loop 
for ((i = start_index; i <= end_index; i++))
    echo "${num[i]}"





How can I merge two arrays in Bash?

You can merge two Bash arrays by expanding them and storing them into a new array. It’s called array concatenation. For example, to merge the 2 arrays first=(virat Tamim) and last=( Iqbal kohli) into a new array named players, use the expression players=("${first[@]}" "${last[@]}").

Output: virat Tamim Iqbal kohli

What is a Bash array?

A Bash array is a data structure used to store information in an indexed way. The indexed array in Bash has numbered indices while the associative arrays have string indices called keys. Unlike other programming languages, Bash arrays can store elements of various data types.

How to echo a Bash array?

To echo a Bash array, use the length expression command echo ${array[@]}. For example, the command is echo ${nums[@]} to echo an array nums. You can also use length expression ${nums[*]} prefixing with the echo command.

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Md Masrur Ul Alam

Assalamu Alaikum, I’m Md Masrur Ul Alam, currently working as a Linux OS Content Developer Executive at SOFTEKO. I completed my Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE)from Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET). With an inquisitive mind, I have always had a keen eye for Science and Technolgy based research and education. I strongly hope this entity leverages the success of my effort in developing engaging yet seasoned content on Linux and contributing to the wealth of technical knowledge. Read Full Bio

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