Eclipse Cheat Sheet [Free PDF Download]

Eclipse is a powerful integrated development environment (IDE) widely used by developers, particularly in Java programming. With its robust features and extensive plugin ecosystem, Eclipse provides a rich environment for writing, testing, and debugging code. To help you make the most out of Eclipse, I’ve prepared a comprehensive Eclipse cheat sheet that covers essential shortcuts, features, and tips to enhance your productivity. Irrespective of your expertise, this cheat sheet will serve as a handy reference to navigate Eclipse with ease.

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How to Install Eclipse in Your Linux Distribution

To download Eclipse in your Linux distribution, you may go to the Eclipse official website. Or you may use the command line to access the available package. Follow the instructions which I have mentioned below:

  1. Firstly, press CTRL + SHIFT + T to open the terminal window.
  2. Secondly, write the following command.
    sudo snap install eclipse --classic
  3. Finally, type your user password to access the sudo root user.Download the Eclipse into your distribution through the terminal. From the above image, you can see that I have successfully installed “eclipse” on my Linux machine.

List of Useful Eclipse Shortcuts for Your Distribution

By incorporating shortcuts into your Eclipse text editor, you can boost your work pace. Whether you’re creating new projects, searching for files, debugging code, or refactoring, knowing the right shortcuts can save you valuable time and effort. In this guide, I will explore a selection of helpful shortcuts to operate Eclipse seamlessly in your distribution.

File Shortcuts in Eclipse

File shortcuts in Eclipse are powerful time-saving tools. They enable you to swiftly create files, navigate code, open files by name, save changes, and perform other file-related actions with ease.  You will find multiple shortcut keys down below:

Shortcuts Description
ALT + SHIFT + N Creates New Projects, File, Class, etc
CTRL + N Creates New Project via Wizard
CTRL + SHIFT + R Open a file by name.
CTRL + W Close current file
CTRL + S Save current file
CTRL + SHIFT + S Save All files
F2 Rename
F5 Refresh the content of the resource
CTRL + P Print ALT + ENTER Show Properties Dialog
CTRL + O Navigate to a specific method or member within the current file.
CTRL + SHIFT + T Open a class or type by name
CTRL + SHIFT + E Switch between open editor files.
CTRL + SHIFT + F Format the code in the current file.
CTRL + D Delete the current line or selected lines.
CTRL + / (Slash) Toggle comment/uncomment the selected lines.
CTRL + F Find a specific string within the current file.
CTRL + G. Go to a specific line number in the current file
CTRL + H Perform a comprehensive search within the workspace or file.
CTRL + SHIFT + P Jump to the matching bracket.

Shortcuts to Quickly Navigate in Eclipse

Efficient navigation is crucial when working with a complex codebase in Eclipse. Navigating between files, classes, methods, and references quickly and accurately is key to maintaining a smooth development workflow. Down below, I have listed some navigational shortcuts that allow you to jump to specific locations, search for code elements, and navigate through call hierarchies with just a few keystrokes:

Shortcuts Description
F3 Open Declaration
F4 Open Type Hierarchy
CTRL + ALT + H Open Call Hierarchy
SHIFT + F2 Open Attached Javadoc
 CTRL + SHIFT + T Open Type
CTRL + SHIFT + H Open Type in Hierarchy
CTRL + F12 Open Task
CTRL + F9 Activate Task
 CTRL + SHIFT + F9 Deactivate Task
ALT + SHIFT + B Show In Breadcrumb
CTRL + O Quick Outline
CTRL + T Quick Type Hierarchy
CTRL + . Next Annotation
 CTRL + , Previous Annotation
CTRL + Q Last Edit Location
CTRL + L Go to Line
CTRL + SHIFT + Down Jump to the Previous Method
CTRL + SHIFT + Up Jump to Next Method Home Jump to Beginning of Indentation Hit Home again to jump to the beginning of line End Jump to End of Indentation
CTRL + Home Jump to the beginning of the source
CTRL + End Jump to the End of the source
CTRL + Right Jump one word to the right
CTRL + Left Jump one word to the left

Shortcuts to Edit in Eclipse

In Eclipse, utilizing edit shortcuts can significantly enhance your coding speed and efficiency. These shortcuts provide quick access to important editing actions, allowing you to perform tasks such as navigating through code, selecting text, duplicating lines, and more, with just a few keystrokes:

Shortcuts Description
CTRL + Z Undo
CTRL + Y Redo
CTRL + X Cut
CTRL + C Copy
CTRL + V Paste
Delete Delete current or selected text
CTRL + A Select All Text
ALT + SHIFT + Up Expand Selection to Enclosing Element
ALT + SHIFT + Right Expand Selection to Next Element
ALT + SHIFT + Left Expand Selection to Previous Element
ALT + SHIFT + Down Restore Last Selection
F2 Show Tooltip Information
CTRL + Space Content Assist
 ALT + / Word Completion
 CTRL + 1 Quick Fix

Shortcuts to Java Source Editing in Eclipse

Java Source Editing in Eclipse refers to the process of writing, modifying, and managing Java code within the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Eclipse provides a comprehensive set of tools and features to enhance the editing experience and facilitate efficient Java development. Some of these are:

Shortcuts Description
Ctrl + 2L Quick assist – assign to local variable
Alt + Shift + O Toggle mark occurrences
Ctrl + 2R Quick assist – rename in file
Ctrl + 2F Quick assist – assign to field
Alt + Shift + U Remove occurrence annotations
Ctrl + Shift + M Add import
Ctrl + Shift + ? Add block comment
Ctrl + Shift + | Remove block comment
Ctrl + Shift + F Format
Alt + Shift + J Add javadoc comment
Alt + Shift + Z Surround with quick menu

Shortcuts to Java Refactoring in Eclipse

Java refactoring in Eclipse refers to the process of restructuring and improving Java code within the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) using its built-in refactoring tools and features. Eclipse provides a wide range of automated refactorings that make it easier to modify and enhance code while maintaining its functionality. Few shortcuts to Java refactoring in Eclipse are:

Shortcuts Description
Alt + Shift + R Rename
Alt + Shift + L Extract local variable
Alt + Shift + M Extract method
Alt + Shift + T Show refactor quick menu
Alt + Shift + V Move
Alt + Shift + C Change method signature
Alt + Shift + I Inline

View Shortcuts in Eclipse

Views play a crucial role in providing valuable information and tools within the Eclipse IDE. To optimize your workflow and productivity, it is essential to efficiently manage and navigate through these views. Eclipse offers a variety of view shortcuts that allow you to quickly switch between views, hide or show specific views, and perform actions within views with ease. Some of these are listed below:

Shortcuts Description
ALT + SHIFT + Q, C Console
ALT + SHIFT + Q, D Declaration
ALT + SHIFT + Q, L Error Log
ALT + SHIFT + Q, J Javadoc
ALT + SHIFT + Q, O Outline
ALT + SHIFT + Q, P Package Explorer
ALT + SHIFT + Q, X Problems
ALT + SHIFT + Q, S Search
ALT + SHIFT + Q, K Task List
ALT + SHIFT + Q, T Type Hierarchy
ALT + SHIFT + Q, Q Other Views

Window Shortcuts in Eclipse

Efficiently managing windows and perspectives in Eclipse is crucial for a smooth and organized development experience. Eclipse provides a variety of window shortcuts that enable you to quickly navigate between views, editors, and perspectives, and customize your workspace to suit your needs. Checkout the following table for Window shortcuts in Eclipse:

Shortcuts Description
CTRL + SHIFT + – Toggle Split Editor (Horizontal)
CTRL + SHIFT + { Toggle Split Editor (Vertical)
ALT + – Show System Menu
CTRL + 3 Quick Access
CTRL + M Toggle Active Window
F12 Activate Editor Window
CTRL + F6 Next Editor
CTRL + SHIFT + F6 Previous Editor
CTRL + SHIFT + E Switch to Editor
CTRL + SHIFT + E Switch to Editor
CTRL + F7 Next View
CTRL + SHIFT + F7 Previous View
CTRL + F8 Next Perspective
CTRL + SHIFT + F8  Previous Perspective

Source Shortcuts in Eclipse

Source shortcuts in Eclipse provide convenient ways to navigate, refactor, and manage your source code. Some of the shortcut keys that you may frequently use are given below:

Shortcuts Description
CTRL + / Toggle Comments
CTRL + SHIFT + / Add Block Comment
CTRL + SHIFT + \ Remove Block Comment
ALT + SHIFT + J Generate Element Comment
CTRL + I Correct Indentation
CTRL + SHIFT + F Format all Code in Editor
CTRL + SHIFT + M Add Import Statements
CTRL + SHIFT + O Organize all imports

Search Shortcuts in Eclipse

In this section of the article, you will now learn some shortcuts useful for searching. These shortcuts provide efficient ways to perform targeted searches, navigate search results, and refine your search criteria. Go through the below table to check:

Shortcuts Description
CTRL + H Search
CTRL + SHIFT + L Quick Search
CTRL + F Find / Replace Dialog
CTRL + K Find Next
CTRL + SHIFT + K Find Previous
CTRL + J Incremental Find Next
CTRL + SHIFT + J Incremental Find Previous
CTRL + G Find Declaration in Workspace
CTRL + ALT + G Find in Workspace
CTRL + SHIFT + G Find Reference in Workspace

Shortcuts to Build/Run/Debug in Eclipse

Building, running, and debugging code are essential tasks in the software development process. Eclipse provides a range of powerful shortcuts that can streamline these tasks and enhance your productivity as a developer. These shortcuts allow you to compile your code, execute it, and efficiently debug any issues that may arise during runtime. Some of these are:

Shortcuts Description
CTRL + B Build Entire Project
F11 Debug
CTRL + F11 Run
CTRL + SHIFT + B Toggle Breakpoint
F5 Step Into
CTRL + F5 Step Into Selection
F6 Step Over
F7 Step Return
F8 Skip to Next Breakpoint
CTRL + R Run to Line
SHIFT + F5 Use Step Filters
CTRL + R Debug run to line
CTRL + SHIFT+ D, E Debug eclipse application
CTRL + SHIFT+ D, O Debug OSGi Framework
CTRL + SHIFT+ D, T Debug JUnit test
CTRL + SHIFT+ D, P Debug JUnit plug-in test
CTRL + SHIFT+ D, R Debug on server
CTRL + SHIFT+ D, A Debug Java applet
CTRL + SHIFT+ D, J Debug Java application
CTRL + SHIFT+ D, Q Debug Ant build

Miscellaneous Eclipse Shortcuts

Lastly, there are some miscellaneous shortcut keys listed below:

Shortcuts Description
ALT + SHIFT + F Force return
CTRL + / Toggle comment
ALT + SHIFT + S Show source quick menu
CTRL + SHIFT + O Organize imports
CTRL + SHIFT + D Display
CTRL + SHIFT + I Toggle insert mode
ALT + / Word completion
CTRL + SHIFT + Q Quick diff toggle
CTRL + SPACE Content assist
CTRL + SHIFT + SPACE Context information
CTRL + F Find and replace
ALT + SHIFT + G Generate code
CTRL + L Go to line
ALT+ PAGEDOWN Next sub-tab
ALT+ PAGEUP Previous sub-tab
CTRL + Q Go to last edit location
ALT + SHIFT + W Show in.
CTRL + SHIFT + T Open type
CTRL + ALT+ H Open call hierarchy
CTRL + SHIFT + H Open type hierarchy
ALT+ LEFT Backward history
ALT+ RIGHT Forward history
CTRL + SHIFT + R Open resource
CTRL + ALT+ SHIFT + M Open manifest
ALT+ ENTER Java breakpoint properties
CTRL + SHIFT + I Inspect
CTRL + SHIFT + N All instances
CTRL + SHIFT + K Find previous
CTRL + = Zoom in


In this article, I have covered some basic shortcut keys relevant to the eclipse. From understanding the workspace and perspectives to utilizing views, editors, and shortcuts, you can develop your workflow and boost productivity. However, if you have specific queries related to this feel free to ask below. Thank You!

People Also Ask

How do I open a cheat sheet in Eclipse?

To open the available cheat sheets in Eclipse, First, click on the Help menu, then on the ‘Cheat Sheets’. Alternatively, go to ‘Window’, After that, click on ‘Show View > Other’, choose ‘Cheat Sheets’ & select your preferred ‘Cheat Sheets’ from the list, and click ‘OK’.

How to use Eclipse efficiently?

You can use Eclipse efficiently by learning various features & shortcuts. Some of the common keyboard shortcuts are:

  1. CTRL+S: Saving
  2. CTRL+O: Opening Files
  3. CTRL+E: Navigating between tabs.
  4. CTRL+3: Quick access to any menu.
  5. CTRL+SHIFT+T: Open a type quickly.
  6. CTRL+SHIFT+R: Open Resource.
  7. CTRL+SPACE: For code completion.

Why is Eclipse the best IDE?

Eclipse stands out as a flexible Integrated Development Environment (IDE) capable of accommodating various programming languages and technologies, making it suitable for a variety of development projects. Its adaptable plugin system empowers users to customize their IDE to their specific needs, adding features and tools that seamlessly align their workflow.

Why use JavaDoc in Eclipse?

Using JavaDoc in Eclipse allows you to generate documentation for your Java code, making it more readable and understandable. To use JavaDoc in Eclipse, first, write JavaDoc Comments, then generate & configure JavaDoc Export.

How to generate Javadoc in Eclipse?

To generate JavaDoc from Menu in Eclipse:

  1. Open the Project menu and choose “Generate JavaDoc”.
  2. Specify the file location (default is C drive).
  3. Select the project, packages, and classes for JavaDoc generation.
  4. Choose visibility options for the selected classes.
  5. Set the destination location for the generated JavaDoc.
  6. Click “Next”.

What is the shortcut to show Javadoc in Eclipse?

To show JavaDoc in Eclipse use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT and hover to see the JavaDoc. Moreover, if you want to view the JavaDoc in a pop-up window, you can press the F2 button.

What is the Eclipse plugin for Javadoc?

There are several Eclipse plugins available for JavaDoc, each offering different features and functionalities. For instance, JAutodoc (automatically adds JavaDoc comments and file headers to your source code), Accessor JavaDoc (specifically focuses on generating JavaDoc for getters and setters of a Java class), JDocEditor (editor for JavaDoc comments), etc.

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Mohammad Shah Miran

Hey, I'm Mohammad Shah Miran, previously worked as a VBA and Excel Content Developer at SOFTEKO, and for now working as a Linux Content Developer Executive in LinuxSimply Project. I completed my graduation from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET). As a part of my job, i communicate with Linux operating system, without letting the GUI to intervene and try to pass it to our audience.

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