Emacs Cheat Sheet [Free PDF Download]

A Complete Guide for Beginners Enroll Course Now

Emacs is a highly extensible and customizable text editor that offers a wide range of features along with comprehensive flexibility. It is a versatile text editor that can be used on various operating systems. Emacs is quite handy for beginners and experienced users because of its convenient functionalities. In this article, you will find a cheat sheet on Emacs where I have listed several shortcuts and keybindings which is a wonderful resource for anyone who wants to explore this text editor deeply.

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Keyboard Shortcuts of Emacs

There are key shortcuts for each and every task in the Emacs text editor. These shortcuts are truly helpful for increasing working capacity. The following section contains a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts of Emacs used frequently.

Getting Started

The following shortcuts will help you to know how to launch and exit the Emacs text editor.

Type emacs to enter Emacs text editor
Shortcut Keys Description
CTRL + Z Suspend Emacs
CTRL + X + CTRL + C Exit Emacs permanently


Navigation shortcuts are used to move around a document & open files and tabs quickly. You can navigate quite easily using the shortcuts given below:

Shortcut Keys Description
CTRL + F Move forward one character
CTRL + B Move backward one character
ALT + F Move forward one word
ALT + B Move backward one word
CTRL + N Move to the next line
CTRL + P Move to the previous line
CTRL + A Move to the beginning of the line
CTRL + E Move to the end of the line
ALT + A Move to the beginning of the current sentence
ALT + E Move to the end of the current sentence
ALT + { Move to the beginning of the paragraph
ALT + } Move to the end of the paragraph
ALT + < Move to the beginning of the buffer
ALT + > Move to the end of the buffer
ALT + N Move forward through the command history
ALT + P Move backward through the command history
CTRL + L Center the display on the current line

Case Conversion

You can perform various case conversions on text using the shortcuts listed below:

Shortcut Keys Description
ALT + L Convert a word to lowercase
ALT + U Convert a word to uppercase
ALT + C Capitalize a word
CTRL + X + CTRL + L or ALT + X downcase-region Convert a selected region to lowercase
CTRL + X + CTRL + U or ALT + X upcase-region Convert a selected region to uppercase
ALT + X capitalize-region Capitalize the first character of each word in the selected region

File Handling

Emacs provides a huge range of file-handling capabilities. Here are some common syntaxes to manipulate files in Emacs.

Shortcut Keys Description
CTRL + X + CTRL + F Open a file
CTRL + X + CTRL + S Save the current buffer
CTRL + X + S Save all buffers
CTRL+X + I Insert a file into the current buffer
CTRL + X + CTRL + W Write the current buffer to a different file (Save file as…)
CTRL + X + CTRL + V Visit a different file in the current buffer
CTRL + X + CTRL + Q Toggle read-only mode for current buffer
CTRL + X + CTRL + R Rename file
CTRL + X + CTRL + D Delete file
CTRL + X + CTRL + A Edit file as root


Formatting means adjusting indentation, spacing, alignment etc. As Emacs offers extensive formatting options, you can define your own customized preferences using the syntax below:

Shortcut Keys Description
TAB Indent the current line 
CTRL + ALT + \ Indent the region by aligning it properly
CTRL + ALT + Q Reformat the current paragraph
CTRL + X + TAB Indent region by specific number of spaces
ALT + ; Comment or uncomment the current line or selected region
CTRL + O Insert a new line after the current line
CTRL + ALT + O Split current line at cursor point and move the rest text to the new line
CTRL + X + CTRL + O Delete blank lines around cursor point, leaving one blank line
ALT + ^ Join current line with previous line by removing the whitespace of current line
ALT + \ Delete all whitespace around cursor point
ALT + SPACE Force putting one space at cursor point
ALT + Q Fill paragraph at cursor point
CTRL + X + F Set the fill column to a special value
CTRL + X + . Set prefix each line starts with at cursor point
ALT + O Open a new line below current line & move cursor to new line, preserving indentation

Getting Help

In Emacs, you can easily get help and access documentation. Explore the syntax below and enhance your Emacs experience:

Shortcut Keys Description
CTRL + H + T  Open the Emacs tutorial
CTRL + H + K  Describe the function bound to a key sequence
CTRL + H + F Describe a specific function by name
CTRL + H + V  Describe a specific variable by name
CTRL + H + W  Display the key bindings for a given command
CTRL + H + B  Show all key bindings currently in effect
CTRL + H + A  Show commands matching a string
CTRL + H + M  Get mode-specific information
CTRL + H + CTRL + F Open a file using the built-in Emacs file browser
CTRL + H + CTRL + A Show the Emacs command-line arguments
CTRL + H + CTRL + C Describe the Emacs copying conditions
CTRL + H + CTRL + D Display the GNU Emacs distribution details
CTRL + H + CTRL + M Display the GNU Emacs manual in Info format
CTRL + H + CTRL + P Describe the Emacs package system
n Move to the next page or section in the help buffer
p Move to the previous page or section in the help buffer
SPACE Scroll down by one windowful in the help buffer
DEL Scroll up by one windowful in the help buffer
b Scroll up by one page in the help buffer
f Scroll down by one page in the help buffer
u Scroll up by half a page in the help buffer
m Return to the top-level menu in the help buffer
g Revert the help buffer to its original state
q Quit the help buffer


Frame refers to a graphical window that includes multiple windows. This allows you to work with multiple views of Emacs at one time. Here are some common syntax related to frames:

Shortcut Keys Description
CTRL + X + 5 + 2 Split the current frame horizontally by creating a new frame 
CTRL + X + 5 + 3 Split the current frame vertically by creating a new frame 
CTRL + X + 5 + 0 Close the current frame
CTRL + X + 5 + O Cycle through the available frames
CTRL + X + 5 + B Switch to a different buffer in another frame
CTRL + X + 5 + + Increase the size of the current frame horizontally
CTRL + X + 5 + – Decrease the size of the current frame horizontally
CTRL + TAB Switch to the next frame
ALT + S + ARROWS Resize frame
CTRL + X + 5 + R Rename the current frame
CTRL + X + 5 + F Open a file in a new frame
CTRL + C + S + A Scroll all frames simultaneously

Multiple Windows

The multiple Windows shortcuts are a convenient way to view and edit different buffers simultaneously. One can easily manipulate and edit text in Emacs using the shortcuts below:

Shortcut Keys Description
CTRL + X + 0 Close the current window
CTRL + X + 1 Close all other windows, keeping only the current window
CTRL + X + 2 Split the current window vertically into two windows
CTRL + X + 3 Split the current window horizontally into two windows
CTRL + X + O Switch to the next window
CTRL + X + ^ Enlarge the current window vertically
CTRL + X + { Shrink the current window horizontally
CTRL + X + } Enlarge the current window horizontally
CTRL + ALT + V Scroll other windows
CTRL + X + R + W Save the current window configuration to a register
CTRL + X + R + J Jump to a previously saved window configuration
CTRL + X + 4 + B Open a buffer in a new window
CTRL + X + 4 + F Open a file in a new window
CTRL + X + 4 + R Open a read-only file in a new window
CTRL + X + 4 + D Open and access contents of a directory in a separate window using Dired mode
CTRL + X + 4 + . Find tag in other windows

Dired (Open With CTRL+X+D)

In Emacs, Dired is a built-in file management mode. It allows you to perform various operations on files such as opening, copying, moving, deleting, navigating, etc. Use the following syntax to work easily with files in this text-based interface:

Shortcut Keys Description
C/R/D Copy/r­ena­me/­delete
!/& Shell comman­d/a­syn­chr­onous
Z Compre­ss/­unc­ompress
M/G/O Change mode/g­rou­p/owner
A/Q Search­/re­place
m/u/U Mark/u­nma­rk/­unmark all
+ New directory
g Refresh


Marking indicates the process of highlighting or selecting a region of text to perform operations on them. Here are some popular techniques for marking:

Shortcut Keys Description
CTRL + @ or CTRL + SPACE Set the mark at the current cursor position
CTRL + X + CTRL + X Exchange the cursor position with the mark position
ALT + @ Mark the next word as the region
ALT + H Mark the current paragraph
CTRL + X + CTRL + P Mark page
CTRL + ALT + @ or CTRL + ALT + SPACE Mark the current function
CTRL + ALT + H Mark the entire current buffer
CTRL + X + H Mark the entire buffer 
CTRL + ALT + <SPACE> Mark the next expression or block of text
CTRL + ←, CTRL + →, CTRL + ↑, CTRL + ↓  Mark by word or line in the respective direction


Screen is the visual display where buffers, frames and windows are presented. Following are some fundamental shortcuts regarding Emacs screen:

Shortcut Keys Description
F9 Create new screen 
S + F9 Kill current screen 
ALT + 1…ALT + 0 Go to screen number 1 … 10
CTRL + Z + L   List active screens
CTRL + Z + CTRL + B Escreen manu


Desktop in Emacs is a feature that helps you to save and restore your entire editing session. It is helpful when you have a complex window setting. Some key shortcuts related to Emacs desktop are given below:

Shortcut Keys Description
CTRL + X + X + R Load session
CTRL + X + X + S Save current session
CTRL + X + X + D Save current session & clear
CTRL + X + X + C Change session (save & load)
CTRL + X + X + N Show current session name


Using the handy shortcuts given below, you can easily perform Google searches in Emacs:

Shortcut Keys Description
CTRL + C + G + RET Google search
CTRL + C + G + G Google search on cursor
CTRL + C + G + R Google C++ reference
CTRL + C + G + M Google maps search
CTRL + C + t Google translate at point
CTRL + C + T Google translate


Transposing means swapping characters, words and lines. Here are several syntaxes for transposing text elements in Emacs:

Shortcut Keys Description
CTRL + T  Transpose characters
ALT + T Transpose words
CTRL + X + CTRL + T Transpose lines
CTRL + ALT + T Transpose sexps (balanced expression)
CTRL + V Scroll forward
ALT + V Scroll backward
CTRL + X + < Scroll left
CTRL + X + > Scroll right
ALT + G + G Go to line
ALT + G + C Go to character
ALT + M Move to first non-whitespace character on the line

Killing and Deleting

Killing and deleting shortcuts allow you to remove text in different ways. Using the killing syntax you can remove text and place it into the kill ring for later use. On the contrary, using the deleting syntax you can remove text without storing it. Some basic shortcuts for killing and deleting text in Emacs are given below:

Shortcut Keys Description
CTRL + K Kill (cut) text from the cursor position to the end of the line
ALT + K Kill text from the cursor position to the end of the current sentence
CTRL + W Kill text from the cursor position to the end of the current sentence
ALT + D Kill the word following the cursor
DEL Delete the character before the cursor
ALT + DEL Delete the word before the cursor
CTRL + X + DEL Kill backward from the cursor to the previous whitespace
CTRL + D Delete the character at the cursor
ALT + <DEL>. Delete the line before the cursor
CTRL + Y Yank (paste) the last killed text at the cursor position
ALT + Y Replace last yank with previous kill
ALT + W  Copy region to kill ring


Info is the built-in documentation that provides compact information about any topic regarding Emacs. To access info follow the keybindings below:

Shortcut Keys Description
CTRL + H + I Open info system and display info menu
CTRL + H + S Open emacs FAQ
SPACE Scroll forward in info buffer
DEL Scroll backward in info buffer
b Beginning of an info node
n Move to the next info node
p Move to the previous Info node
u Go up one level in the Info hierarchy
m Go to the Info menu
n Move to the next Info node
f Follow a cross-reference to another Info node
l Follow a link to an external file or URL
d Follow a directory reference to browse a directory
t Toggle between the table of contents and the current node
g Go to a specific Info node by name
h Display the Info help message
i Display information about the current node
s Search for a specific text or pattern in the current node
q Quit the Info system and return to the previous buffer


Tag is the mechanism for indexing and navigating the source code of any language. Using tags you can easily jump to your desired locations. Some key bindings related to tags in Emacs:

Shortcut Keys Description
ALT + . Find a tag (a definition)
ALT + * Return to the previous location before the last jump
CTRL + U + ALT + . Find next occurrence of tag
ALT + X visit-tags-table Visit an existing tags file or create a new one
ALT + X compile-tags Generate a new tags file using specific command
ALT + X build-tags Build a tags file recursively for all files in a directory 
ALT + X tags-apropos Search for symbols matching a particular pattern
ALT + X tags-loop-continue Continue a tag search
ALT + X tags-revert-buffer Update current buffer with changes made to tags file
ALT + X tags-reset-tags-table Clear list of visited tags table
ALT + X tags-search Regex search on all files in tag table
ALT + X tags-query-replace Run query and replace on all files
ALT + , Continue last tags search or query-replace


A buffer is a temporary workspace that holds text. These are used to display help info, edit files, run shell commands, etc. A list of shortcuts related to the Emacs buffer is given below:

Shortcut Keys Description
CTRL + X + B Select another buffer
CTRL + X + CTRL + B List all buffers
CTRL + X + K Kill a buffer
ALT + X rename-buffer Rename the current buffer
CTRL + G Abort the current operation of a keyboard macro
TAB Complete as much as possible
SPACE Complete up to one word
RET Complete and execute


Emacs extends powerful Regex (Regular Expression) accommodation. Knowing about the regex in Emacs you can search, match, and manipulate text in a convenient way. The regex in Emacs is given below:

Shortcut Keys Description
^ Start of a line anchor
$ End of a line anchor
\< Start of a word anchor
\> End of a word anchor
\_< Start of a word or buffer anchor
\_> End of a word or buffer anchor
\‘ Start of a sentence anchor
\’ End of a sentence anchor
. Match any single character except a newline
* Match zero or more repeats of the preceding element
+ Match one or more repeats of the preceding element
? Match zero or one repeat of the preceding element
\ Quote special characters
\| Match either the expression before or after the vertical bar
\(…\) Group the enclosed regular expression as subexpression
\(:?…\) Match the enclosed regular expression but doesn’t store it
\(:NUM…\) Match the same text that was matched by the ‘NUM’th sub-expression before
\n Match the same text that was matched by the ‘n’th sub-expression before
\b Match a word break
\B Match a position that is not a word break
[…] Match character present within the brackets
[^…] Match character that is not present within the brackets
\w Match any word character
\W Match non word character
\sc Match character with the specified syntax class
\Sc Match character that doesn’t belong to the specified syntax class
\cc Match character with the specified character category 
\Cc Match character that doesn’t belong to the specified character category 


To find a specific text within a buffer you can perform search operations in Emacs using the keybindings below:

Shortcut Keys Description
CTRL + S Search forward
CTRL + R Search backward
ALT + X regexp Search using a regular expression
CTRL + ALT + S Search forward using a regular expression 
CTRL + ALT + R Search backward using a regular expression
ALT + S Forward search Regex through history
ALT + R Backward search Regex through history

Query Replace

Query replace allows you to search for a pattern and replace it with another string. Here is how to perform query replace operation in Emacs:

Shortcut Keys Description
ALT + % Replace a text string
CTRL + ALT + % Replace all occurrences
SPACE / y Replace and move to the next occurrence
DEL / n Skip to the next occurrence without replacing
! Replace all remaining occurrences without further prompting
RET Exit query replace

Error Recovery

One can easily recover from an unexpected error in Emacs using the following shortcuts:

Shortcut Keys Description
ALT + X recover-session Recover a previous Emacs session 
CTRL + _ or CTRL + / Undo the last change made in Emacs
ALT + X revert-buffer Recover files lost by a system crash
CTRL + L Clear the current screen & redraw the contents of the buffer
CTRL + G Cancel a running Emacs command or quit a partially entered command


Some keystrokes for miscellaneous Emacs are below:

Shortcut Keys Description
ALT + ! Execute a shell command
ALT + & Execute a shell command asynchronously
ALT + | Run a shell command on the region
CTRL + U + ALT + | Filter region through a shell command
ALT + X shell Start a shell in window shell
CTRL + X + R + I Insert register contents into buffer
CTRL + X + R + J Jump to point saved in register
CTRL + X + R + S Save region in register
CTRL + X + R + SPACE Save value of point in register
CTRL + X + RET + L Specify principal language
CTRL + U num Numeric argument
ALT + – Negative argument
CTRL + X + A + G Add global abbrev
ALT + $ Check spelling of current word
ALT + X ispell-region Check spelling of all words in region
ALT + X ispell-buffer Check spelling of entire buffer
ALT + X flyspell-mode Toggle on-the-fly spell checking


The whole article is a handy reference guide that explains the essential keybindings of Emacs. By utilizing the whole guide of the Emacs cheat sheet, you can optimize your workflow and leverage the experience of using this text editor.

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Nadiba Rahman

Hello, This is Nadiba Rahman, currently working as a Linux Content Developer Executive at SOFTEKO. I have completed my graduation with a bachelor’s degree in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering from Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET).I am quite passionate about crafting. I really adore exploring and learning new things which always helps me to think transparently. And this curiosity led me to pursue knowledge about Linux. My goal is to portray Linux-based practical problems and share them with you. Read Full Bio

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